
Jade Roller


An anti aging Jade Roller that promotes healthy skin and is great for blood circulation and fights wrinkles.

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Self care and skin care are essential habits to stay healthy, productive, and happy. One way to help in this process is by utilizing the health benefits of a facial jade roller. Your skin is the largest organ in your body so you’ll want to take good care of it. Good skin can lead to a happier you. Each roller is 4.375 x 2.125-in.


How To Use


1. Start by applying your skin oil or serum (you can add more while rolling if needed.)

2. Then pick one side of your face to start with. Put the roller in the middle of your forehead and roll outward, toward your ear. The roller is moving lymphatic fluid to the lymphatic drainage points near the ears or collarbone.

3. Continue rolling on the same side of the face, starting each time at the center and moving toward the ear. Use the small stone to roll outward around your eyes and down your nose (this helps move out congestion if you have sinus issues). Continue to roll outward from your nose, lips, and chin.

4. When you get down to your jawline and neck, push outward and then down toward the collarbone.

5. Repeat on the other side of your face, starting again in the middle of the forehead.


A few things to note: You don’t need to apply pressure, and you shouldn’t roll back and forth—or you’ll pull lymphatic drainage in both directions!

Pick up the roller and place it back in the center of the face or neck before rolling again. Continue rolling for a couple of minutes to let your oil or serum fully absorb. (Five minutes is recommended)

Rolling twice a day helps to improve drainage and keep skin looking radiant, but you can roll as often as you feel it’s needed.